How to report after..

Hi - just want to make sure I'm reporting stuff right. When DClone has just walked in a server (and I've taken a few minutes to kill and loot him), should I report that as 6/6 or 1/6? It's kind of both, right?

Or I guess in another sense, 1-5 are states while 6 is more of an event that coincides with returning to 1--or do I have that wrong?

Thanks! -Lucky

Fri Jun 07 2024 by LuckyMud

it will be the same outcome. I do report the 6/6 and then the 1/6.

Sat Jun 08 2024 by Nikos Politis

Thanks for confirming, sounds like there's no wrong answer then. :)

Also, thanks for a great service, it helps me to be Santa Claus once in a while. :D

PS - Give me a yell if it's bad for any reason to re-post that an environment is still at the level it was already listed. I'm assuming a "no change" update is good data, but I can imagine that automated interpretation of user-submitted data might have quirks I couldn't predict.

Sun Jun 09 2024 by LuckyMud

Thanks for confirming, sounds like there's no wrong answer then. :)

Also, thanks for a great service, it helps me to be Santa Claus once in a while. :D

PS - Give me a yell if it's bad for any reason to re-post that a server is still at the level it was already listed. I'm assuming a "no change" update is good data, but I can imagine that automated interpretation of user-submitted data might have quirks I couldn't predict.

Sun Jun 09 2024 by LuckyMud


